Return and Refund Policy

Coldparts assumes no responsibility for merchandise damaged during transit. Damaged claims should be made with the delivery carrier.

A Return and Refund policy usually consists of:

  • Terms of return (90 days of purchase): Compressors on this website and in our current catalog are out of manufacturer warranty and carry a Coldparts Warranty. Coldparts guarantees that all compressors that are out of manufacturer warranty, will run when installed in a clean, dry system, and correct electrical components are used. Coldparts will not replace compressors due to motor burnout, ground compressor windings or broken suction valves due to liquid slugging on the compressor’s low side.
  • Coldparts Guarantee: All merchandise we sell on our website or current catalog is sold on our policy of your complete satisfaction or your money back.
  • Process of refund: Coldparts will offer any of our customers their full money back if they are not satisfied, or offer an in-store credit on their account.
  • 15% Restocking Fee: 15% restocking fee for all returned merchandise.